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Peronalised Assessments

Please click below to access  videos from the Welsh Government which answer some of the frequently asked questions about Personalised Assessments:



What are ‘personalised assessments’?

In personalised or ‘adaptive’ assessments, the questions are selected based on the learner’s response to the previous question. If a learner answers a question incorrectly, they will get an easier question; if a learner answers a question correctly, they will get a more challenging question. This provides an individual assessment experience and tailors the level of challenge for every learner.

Welsh Government has introduced personalised assessments for numeracy and reading to replace paper-based National Tests. The personalised assessments for both Numeracy (Procedural) and Reading are already available online. It is hoped that the personalised assessment for Numeracy (Reasoning) will become statutory in 2021 to 2022.


What is the purpose of personalised assessments?

The purpose of the assessments is to help learners progress, through understanding what they can do, the things they need to work on, and their next steps.

The information from the assessments will add to what your child’s teacher knows about their reading and numeracy from their work every day in the classroom.

What are the benefits of personalised assessments?

Personalised assessments:

  • are tailored for each learner
  • provide an interactive experience to engage learners and assess the level of their skills
  • provide information on learners’ skills and development
  • are flexible – schools can schedule at a time they consider to be most beneficial to help plan learning and teaching

Why has the Welsh Government introduced online personalised assessments?

Personalised assessments provide information on the reading and numeracy skills of individual learners and whole classes which teachers can use to plan next steps in learning and teaching and support progression planning. By moving online, Welsh Government has taken advantage of the latest technology to provide a personalised assessment experience that adjusts the level of challenge for each learner.

Is any preparation for the assessments required?

No. Personalised assessments help show what a child can do and what their next steps might be, so that teachers can support them to make progress. Therefore, your child does not need to undertake any specific preparation in terms of reading or numeracy.

The assessments are designed to be easy to use.

Familiarisation assessments are available so that schools can ensure that children see and understand the question types before they take an assessment, and are familiar with the navigation of an assessment.

All our children have the opportunity to access the Familiarisation questions in school but if you would like to undertake this at home this is how you can access them with your child:


To access the Familiarisation questions with your child:

  • Log into Hwb 
  • Select Personalised Assessments
  • Then select Familiarisation Assessment
  • Then you can select Numeracy Procedural, English Reading and Numeracy Reasoning.